8 Golden Keys To Unlocking A Superstar Artist Alias

In reality there’s no magic formula for how to come up with an artist name... but to save you some time, I’ve asked 100 accomplished artists for their advice. Many of you have probably looked at an artist name generator with no success. Yup, naming your musical baby can be quite a difficult and frustrating experience… but here’s the consensus from over 100 artists, and the best tips on how to come up with your artist alias.



1. Find a Name That Resonates With Your Music

A significant meaning behind the name may strengthen your brand. Perhaps it can have a special meaning to something about you or your life. One of my all time favorite names in music is “A Tribe Called Quest”. Think about it… bringing a group together for a purpose. You see how this fits with the brand and mission of the group? I love the way the syllables flow and it ends on that powerful word “Quest”.


2. Don’t Settle

The right name will come if you’re patient. One will come that feels right and ticks all the boxes. Always keep your ears open for names when you’re in that search mode. A conversation with a friend or even a stranger can lead to a great artist name.


3. Don’t Just Google It

Stay away from names that are taken by many other bands. Make sure the name is legally available. You can check and register your name at www.bandnamevault.com. Check on Spotify, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc. Search engine failure is a huge reason for artists having to go through the hassle of a name change later on in their career.


4. Get Inspired, But Be Careful Of This

Get inspired from song lyrics of bands you like. But stay away from direct song titles, or you will be forever be competing directly with a search of that song… and likely get buried by google.


5. Don’t Use a Band Name Generator

Avoid band name generators… Even if it worked out well for Post Malone & Childish Gambino…


6. Play With Words

Play with different words you like. Some examples; Allantide – They took a first name and put it with a noun. Animal Sun – two nouns that don’t fit together. Or separate two words like Blank Against Blank or Blank For Blank. Or try using one word twice. Example; Sin For Sin or Man Against Man.


7. A Unique Name Or Spelling

A unique name or spelling can help you show up easier on search engines and streaming sites. A catchy name helps people remember it. Don’t make it too abstract or it becomes hard to remember and hard to search for.


8. Keep Your Global Audience In Mind

Chances are you have fans all over the world. Try not to pick something that would be too difficult for foreign audiences.


Use this information well, work hard, and nothing can stop you! All the best.

Sincerely, Parker Thomas @ vokaal.com

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